Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
hehe,believe it or not,now i am working at my old places before i got offer to uitm..hehe..no need to worry bout bored anymore,but still working is suck..need to deal with a fussy customer..huhu
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
big day
tomorrow will be a big day for my sister,guess what,finally she will graduate after 2 years studying at UITM shah alam. how great it is..i just can't wait to see tomorrow..oh wait,tomorrow i have to wake up early 5.30 a.m i think.oohh,how boring it is..what i can do after that...well guess what i have to wait for a very long hours for that convo..huhu...
Monday, November 19, 2007
if you cannot sleep,what will you do??hoh,if it is men i think their answer would be simple,of course they got the best medicine as their good companion..haha guess what,of course one of the tiny little thing that we can called killer..haha,not every men smoke,some women do it too..am i right...herm definitely...huhu
you know what,i really hate smoker,sometimes i feel that a smoker is being selfish to themselves...you know why,they simply smoke everywhere,anywhere,anytime they want,but do they know that i would cause a fatal to other people..or even worsen to the people who don't smoke..why??? sometimes a heart disease occurs to people who don't even know what is a cigarettes..that's is so unfair...
sometimes,even baby got hthe effect because of their parents smoke..herm,don't they feel sad when their children has the side effect from their bad habit..i dont really care if they got the side effect but for the poor little child does not know anything and need to suffer with those things..hermm,what can i say..this thing never gonna stop...
i'm writting this not because i cannot sleep,well maybe a little,but this because i' m sensitive to it..i even cannot smell that thing you now....i got a terrible cough because of that..herm,sometimes people just don't get it..when i cough while they were smoking they seem to relax and make nothing happens..herm that is very rude i think..maybe they should excuse themselves and go some safer place ..
the fact is, my father is a smoker too and addicted to it..he got a disease and i just don't want somethings bad happen to him...huargh, i really love my father so much..how i can overcome his problem...huargh,too bad he never listened to me
you know what,i really hate smoker,sometimes i feel that a smoker is being selfish to themselves...you know why,they simply smoke everywhere,anywhere,anytime they want,but do they know that i would cause a fatal to other people..or even worsen to the people who don't smoke..why??? sometimes a heart disease occurs to people who don't even know what is a cigarettes..that's is so unfair...
sometimes,even baby got hthe effect because of their parents smoke..herm,don't they feel sad when their children has the side effect from their bad habit..i dont really care if they got the side effect but for the poor little child does not know anything and need to suffer with those things..hermm,what can i say..this thing never gonna stop...
i'm writting this not because i cannot sleep,well maybe a little,but this because i' m sensitive to it..i even cannot smell that thing you now....i got a terrible cough because of that..herm,sometimes people just don't get it..when i cough while they were smoking they seem to relax and make nothing happens..herm that is very rude i think..maybe they should excuse themselves and go some safer place ..
the fact is, my father is a smoker too and addicted to it..he got a disease and i just don't want somethings bad happen to him...huargh, i really love my father so much..how i can overcome his problem...huargh,too bad he never listened to me
tick tock!!!!
okay i just wanna dropping by to do some stuff,herm maybe in exact word some stupid stuff..herm i really don't know what i'm going to write,but right now i really cannot sleep,everything goes into my mind,stupid crap...wuargh,i' m so worried bout my previous exam,i don' t know whether i do well or maybe not..i just can't remember how it was going..herm, but i'm pretty sure i do not put a 100% effort on it..well, i kind of lazy to study,to make a revision..hah, that is always occurs in my life,whenever i did it i will regret in the future..now i'm so regret,how come i overslept when other student cannot sleep doing their revision..am i too cocky??huh, well you know that last semester i got dean list and i don't know how it has happened...i overslept too or even worse..but this time maybe different,because part 2 is hard you know..herm...actually right now i really want to study about my part 3 subject,but there is nothing i can do since ilearnt is under maintainneces and i don't have the syllabus..huh, this thing always happen to me,whenever i feel overwhelming to do something,there is always a wrong thing happen..like this...huh,so what can i do at home??i don't want to get a job because i only have a month holidays,who gonna hired me??i don't want to lie...herm,maybe i can always update my blog...hehe, i dont have any idea actually how to expressing my feeling,how to journalize my story,i'm not a good writer you know..thanks to madame shima i got this blog only because of hers...if this is not one of my activity in lab,i probably don't know how to make my own blog..hehe,thanks madame i owe you one...hehe...
i'm not like other teenage girl who like hangging around whenever they got free time...i don't really like it..lucky to my dad,he don't have much worried about me..but,still, like i don't have a life...huargh,now i feel i want to go back to my college as soon as possible...i want to study hard and make sure i will be the best this time..yeah, i want to be in dean list again...chaiyo2 humaira,you can do it,even better...huhu
i'm not like other teenage girl who like hangging around whenever they got free time...i don't really like it..lucky to my dad,he don't have much worried about me..but,still, like i don't have a life...huargh,now i feel i want to go back to my college as soon as possible...i want to study hard and make sure i will be the best this time..yeah, i want to be in dean list again...chaiyo2 humaira,you can do it,even better...huhu
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
well i don`t know why,lately i really like to blogging...am i addicted to it??ohh no, i don`t think so.herm.. i don`t know maybe because i am so boring,or maybe i just wanna improve my english..herm,you know that my English is very bad...now i am in semester break, i don`t know what to do..it is quite bored, i have already read comics, novel all the time...even in astro nothcan make solve this problem..nothing attract me at all..wah, i really like to talk nonsense..huhui
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
well you know, i already finished my final examination for part,huh, what a relief but, huargh, i still nervous to know my result, is that bad or maybe good like last sem..but, still i can`t count on it bcoz i think that i am not doing my best..huuhu...actually it is quite bored in home,even though at my got an astro for movie and so on, it is bored, i can`t wait for next sem,hehe being part 3 is everything like a super senior,...actually today,my sisters make me some surprise burstday party,huhu,it is so sudden...eventhough it is a little bit late for celebrating my burstday,i am so happy with my sisters.also,they give me a very speacial present i never had before...my elder sister kak mie give me a handbag,well guess what it's carlo rino,1 set with my kasut raya present...then, my second sister give me a laptop,which is actually my father laptop,but he disposed away bcoz of the lightening,then,my sister decided to repair it,so with one laptop means that two person give me a present,my father and my second sister kak mas..hehe, my fourth sister not yet..i wonder what she gonna give me for my burstday present.but,i haven't give her one..hehe,actually,today is her burstday too,we were born in the same month,even our zodiac is also the same,scorpio...huhu..somethimes, i feel very lucky bcoz i have a lot working of sisters,huhu, i even don't need to take the ptptn bcoz i easily can ask them for a money...it is not that my father can`t afford to me some, but they forbidden me to ask with him..hehe..well i don't mind since i can ask them for money...well,it is not that easy i will ask them, sometimes i also got money problem i mean i always got a money prob,but i can't simply ask..i need to wait untill the other month,then i will ask for a money..what a pathetic...wah, dont have idea anymore to write..huarghhhh
Thursday, July 26, 2007
my cover album 2
The title of my new album is bad girl gone I choose this title because this album is all about me. In my lyrics I write about myself for the first five lyrics and I write about my future about the rest five in my lyrics. For the first lyric is failure is not the end, it is about my first failure when I was in KMNS and why I fail at that time. That is very sad story. My second lyric is life goes on. This is consequence with my first lyric, after I fail my life is still go on. When you all read this you will know that it is very difficult to live after fail, sometimes I feel I want to commit suicide because lot of people still talk about my failure. It is so sad but I am still being patient and try hard to get my life back. Then, my third lyric is there` s a hope, after I got offering in UITM, there is a hope when I still can continue my study and I will grab this opportunity to prove that I am not bad as everybody thought. My fourth lyric is new life begin, when I go to UITM, a lot of things I need to change, I just don` t want to be my old me, I am change now when my new life is begin even though I still cannot change a little bit of my bad attitude. Then, my fifth lyric is true friendship. It is not really consequence all my fourth lyrics, but it is all about my best friends who were willingly to help me when I was in failure, they still console me and advice me that there is not end of my life, I still can have another chances and they advice me to fill any college or university form. I do what they ask and my luck is still beside me when I got this offer. So all of my first five lyrics which is all about me, then the rest of my lyrics is all about my hope, my future or what I dream to be in the future. My sixth lyric is I conquer the world. I just want to be a success woman, everybody will respect me and I can do anything I want to do. Then for my seventh lyric is fly without wings. I just want to be a free and independent woman and not to tie to any commitments yet because I want to get married late and nobody can control my life. My eighth lyrics is true love, after I feel enjoy with my life I want to find a true love to the man who I can share my joy,my sadness and everything. My ninth lyric is full house , full house means that a house which is full with love. I want to have a big happy family and we will love each other. Last but not lease is my tenth lyric is bright girl. I dream to be a bright a girl who I can proud of my self…babai...huhuhu....please buy my album, it is very cheap...
my cover album
bad girl gone

Failure is not the end
Life go on
There` s a hope
New life begin
True friendship
I conquer the world
Fly without wings
True love
Full house
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
i am a novelist now
Summary of MY HEART
This story is about a village girl in Pahang Lindsay who has only a few months to live because after she discovers that she has heart disease. Then, she met a handsome guy Michelle who just transfers from Kuala Lumpur. At first time they met, they had a fight because Michelle hit Lindsay who is riding that time with his car. They really hate each other. Later on, they manage to be a good friend after Lindsay saved Michelle from drowning. Michelle realizes that Lindsay is not like the others girls in KL. Then, Michelle feel that he is falling in love with Lindsay and try to propose Lindsay to be his girl, but Lindsay refuse to accept him because she know that she don` t have much time to live. Michelle feels very sad and miserable. He walks out with tears and very sad. On the way home he does not concentrate to his driving, he has lost his control and accidentally he hit a big tree. The doctor can’t save him. Just before he dies he donates his heart to Lindsay just to be with her forever.
This story is about a village girl in Pahang Lindsay who has only a few months to live because after she discovers that she has heart disease. Then, she met a handsome guy Michelle who just transfers from Kuala Lumpur. At first time they met, they had a fight because Michelle hit Lindsay who is riding that time with his car. They really hate each other. Later on, they manage to be a good friend after Lindsay saved Michelle from drowning. Michelle realizes that Lindsay is not like the others girls in KL. Then, Michelle feel that he is falling in love with Lindsay and try to propose Lindsay to be his girl, but Lindsay refuse to accept him because she know that she don` t have much time to live. Michelle feels very sad and miserable. He walks out with tears and very sad. On the way home he does not concentrate to his driving, he has lost his control and accidentally he hit a big tree. The doctor can’t save him. Just before he dies he donates his heart to Lindsay just to be with her forever.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
my sad story
Hi everybody, how do you feel for this new semester?? Most of people choose to work when the semester break to earn some money and gain some experience, some people help their mother with housework,but for me,i choose just to sit at home and do nothing at home,of course exept sleep, watching television and not to forget i eat a lot of food that i cannot eat in the hostel.hehe,just for revenge when i was in this campus i just work to hard and eat unhealthty and eww taste not so good. that is why my weight increase..i am so shock when i try to wear my favorite clothes i used to wear it..huarghhh oh no,i am fatty now...so sad...not fair,just a month,why it so obvious...Now i have to figure out how i can reduce ny weight...hehe...so remember,when you are in semester break,please do anything that is good and not to do nothing,if not,i think you will end up like me...huhuhu.=)
Hi everybody, how do you feel for this new semester?? Most of people choose to work when the semester break to earn some money and gain some experience, some people help their mother with housework,but for me,i choose just to sit at home and do nothing at home,of course exept sleep, watching television and not to forget i eat a lot of food that i cannot eat in the hostel.hehe,just for revenge when i was in this campus i just work to hard and eat unhealthty and eww taste not so good. that is why my weight increase..i am so shock when i try to wear my favorite clothes i used to wear it..huarghhh oh no,i am fatty now...so sad...not fair,just a month,why it so obvious...Now i have to figure out how i can reduce ny weight...hehe...so remember,when you are in semester break,please do anything that is good and not to do nothing,if not,i think you will end up like me...huhuhu.=)
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